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Dunedin Chinese Garden

The Dunedin Chinese Garden commemorates the contribution Chinese people have made, and continue to make, to Dunedin’s history, culture and ongoing prosperity.  It is a gift to the city for all New Zealand, honouring the past, celebrating the present and providing enlightenment on our shared path to the future.

The Dunedin Chinese Garden Trust lead the dream to create an authentic Chinese Garden in Dunedin, with support from the Shanghai Municipal Government and the Dunedin City Council. 

The design of the Garden evolved over a period of eight years to ensure authenticity and cultural accuracy, as well as practical functionality. The Garden construction and design was closely supervised and influenced by the architect from the Shanghai Construction and Decoration Company, and the Shanghai Museum. 
Daily:10am – 5pm, close Christmas Day

address cnr Cumberland & Rattray Streets (beside Toitu Otago Settlers Museum)
city Dunedin
phone 03 477 3248
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